Social Service / Non-Profit

We deliver your nonprofit and social service organizations a cost-efficient, one-stop insurance solution so they may provide valued services to the community with greater confidence and budget predictability.

Empowering Mission-Driven Organizations

Our award-winning and fast-growing Community Services Insurance Program (CSIP) team has partnered with agents nationally to serve thousands of nonprofits and social service organizations. This competitive program is a well-rounded package solution available in nearly all states and backed by an A.M. Best A-rated carrier with responsive claims handling and loss control support. Tailored to the unique needs of these vital organizations and offering flexible installment payment plans, this innovative program helps alleviate the fear of financial strain caused by unforeseen events for these vital service-minded organizations.


  • Community-based organizations
  • Nonprofits
  • Social service agencies of all kinds
  • Some for-profit community service organizations

  • Worker’s Compensation
  • General & Professional Liability
  • Commercial Auto Liability
  • Excess Liability
  • Cyber

*Coverage varies, please refer to policy documents for specific terms and conditions


Connect with an Accretive Social Service / Non-Profit Program Specialist

Why Accretive

Insurance by Experts. Solutions as Innovative and Unique as Your Business.

Looking for specialized insurance and benefits solutions driven by new, creative ways to protect your client’s organization and people? That’s Accretive. As your steadfast ally, we are committed to forging strong, enduring partnerships with brokers and agents, ensuring that every client receives the protection and benefits they need to thrive.