Innovative Coverage Designed to Drive Growth for Employers with Government Contracts
Focused on making businesses serving government clients more competitive and profitable, we partner with agents to identify potential exposures and develop strategies to mitigate, eliminate or protect against them. Our employee benefits experts are thought leaders in crafting solutions that are in compliance with the Service Contract Act, Davis-Bacon Act, living and state prevailing wage, and other regulations and legislation as applied to hourly workers. Our P&C team of specialists is equally committed to helping employers with government contracts spanning diverse industries achieve long-term success in a competitive landscape.

- Aerospace
- Construction (including Military)
- Commercial Retail and Services
- Defense, Security and Intelligence
- Energy
- Facilities
- Health & Human Services
- Housing
- Janitorial and Sanitation
- Supply Chain
- Technology
- Transportation / Trucking
- … Anyone With Government Contracts

- Employee Benefits
- Total Compensation Review, Strategy, and Advisory Support
- Major Medical and Ancillary Benefits Administration
- Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC)
- Minimum Value Plans (MVP)
- Employee Communications Services
- ERISA Retirement Plan Services
- Fringe Dollar Management
- Property & Casualty Insurance
- Workers’ Compensation Solutions
- Comprehensive Risk Management and Compliance Expertise

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